Sunday, 3 May 2015

Super Bright Smoothie | Recipe

So...Summer is on it's way and everyone vows to ditch the cakes and carbs in a search for the perfect beach body. Well most of us do anyway. I have never been a massive health fanatic and really struggled to contain my cravings for all things sweet. However, this year I really have been making a conscious effort to try and stay clear of refined sugars and attempt to stick to healthy alternatives.

Eating healthy isn't just for the image, it has hundreds of benefits including higher energy levels, clearer skin and just general improved bodily health. I know we are all told time and time again to eat 5 portions of fruit and veg a day but like any normal person, that isn't always easy to do. Especially being a student, going to college, revising and going to work leaves little to no time to think about food. Smoothies are a great way to easily get your fruit and veg into you with little to no fuss. I work at Bill's and we serve a "Super Green Smoothie" containing Spinach, Banana puree, Grape Pure and Grape Juice. It's super sweet and so delicious served ice cold. So this is my spin on the smoothie with a few other added ingredients.

Ingredients: (Makes 1 Large Smoothie)
-1 Banana
-5 Pieces of Mango (Frozen)
-1 Handful of Kale (30g)
-2tsp Honey
-3tbsp Rolled Oats
-100ml of Coconut Water or Orange Juice

1. Start by putting your banana and mango into your blender. I use a 'Nutri Bullet' and it's great for quick and easy blending. The 'Breville Blend Active' is a good alternative. 
 2. Add your Kale and your honey. The honey is optional but gives it a rich, sweet flavour.
 3. Then add your rolled oats. Oats are great in smoothies, especially on a morning as they are a great source of energy and keep you fuller for longer.
 4. Now it's time for the fluids, Almond milk, Coconut Water or Orange Juice are great in smoothies. If you have similar blender to me, put the liquid in last as it's easier for the blender to blitz the fruit.
 5. Pour into you favourite glass and top with some more rolled oats.
Glass: Mason Jar, Collectables £3
Striped Straw: Amazon £2 (Pack of 30)

There you have it. A vibrant, flavoursome Super Bright/Green Smoothie. Smoothies are sooo easy to make and really are a great way to pack loads of goodness into your diet. I think they also look great and you can make them for your friends and family. 

Thank you so much for reading and don't forget to take a photo of your smoothie and tag me on Instagram. All my social media links are above.


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